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VW used air hoses throughout their model line - for everything from engine cooling to air ventilation. Listed below is every size hose we currently carry, though their applications vary.

A   B

CFresh Air Hose - small.jpg (2675 bytes) D


illus Item # ID Length Description Price Order
A 111819543 20mm 380mm German $7.95 Cart2.gif (943 bytes)
A 211255359 25mm 900mm German $6.95 Cart2.gif (943 bytes)
A 311255291A 28mm 431mm German $7.95 Cart2.gif (943 bytes)
A 113819723A 32mm 940mm German $11.95 Cart2.gif (943 bytes)
E 113819723 38mm 940mm German $11.95
B 113819717 47mm 75mm each pair - German $5.95 Cart2.gif (943 bytes)
E 133819365 47mm 530mm German $12.95 Cart2.gif (943 bytes)
C 028129087A 50mm one meter German $7.95 Cart2.gif (943 bytes)
D ALH22350 50mm one meter Aluminum $7.95 Cart2.gif (943 bytes)
E 211261235A 55mm 640mm German $8.95 Cart2.gif (943 bytes)
F 211261236 60mm 530mm German $8.95 Cart2.gif (943 bytes)
D 61621129501 60mm 1000mm Aluminum $8.95 Cart2.gif (943 bytes)

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