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Brake Shoes

If you're starting to hear a grinding sound when you come to a stop, your brake shoes may be starting to wear down. Don't wait to replace them! We offer high-quality new brake shoes for all years of Ghias so can feel safe again when you come up to that next stoplight!
Please note : all shoes are brand new unless noted and are sold outright - no core.

Be sure to click the cart icon for further part detail and current stock availability.

A  B

Brake Shoes, Front
illus Year Item # Price Info / Order
A 56-58 113609537A $34.95 Cart2.gif (943 bytes)
B 58-64 113609237D $34.95 Cart2.gif (943 bytes)
C 65-66 113609537C $34.95 Cart2.gif (943 bytes)


D  E

F  G
Brake Shoes, Rear
illus Year Item # Price Info / Order
D 56-58 113609537A $34.95 Cart2.gif (943 bytes)
E 58-64 113609537B $34.95 Cart2.gif (943 bytes)
F 65-67 131609537C $34.95 Cart2.gif (943 bytes)
G 68-74 113609537C $34.95 Cart2.gif (943 bytes)
H  I  J
Brake Pads (for cars equipped with Disc Brakes)
Be sure to match your new pads to the replacement ones shown!
illus Year Item # Description Price Info / Order
H 67-72 111698151A for original 1 pin ATE calipers $44.95
I 67-74 311698151D if using replacement 2 pin calipers $29.95 Cart2.gif (943 bytes)
I 72-73 311698151D original style 2-pin ATE calipers $29.95 Cart2.gif (943 bytes)
J 73-74 111698151D for original 1 pin Girling calipers $29.95



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