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Shocks and Components

When working on your front suspension, always look at the various hardware holding everything together and replace if it looks worn. At these prices, it's silly not to!

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Front Shocks
illus Year Item # Description Price Order
A 56-65 113413031B -- $39.95 Cart2.gif (943 bytes)
B 66-74 113413031E original mounting style $39.95 Cart2.gif (943 bytes)


Front Shock Mounting Kit
illus Year Item # Price Order
C 66-74 131498441 $13.95 Cart2.gif (943 bytes)

Performance Front Shocks
illus Year Item # Price Order
D 56-65 343144 $41.95 Cart2.gif (943 bytes)
E 66-74 343143 $49.95 Cart2.gif (943 bytes)
Shock Dust Covers
illus Year Item # Price Order
F 66-74 111413425/2 $9.95 Cart2.gif (943 bytes)
Front Shock Mounting Bolt (Upper)
illus Year Item # Price Order
G 56-62 111413401A $13.95
H 63-65 111413403A $5.95




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